Category: Uncategorized

  • This Agreement made…………….this…………….day of………………………20…………….between X, son of resident of…………….(hereinafter called the “Vendor”) of the FIRST PART, Y, son of ……………………………….. resident of …………….(hereinafter called the “Promoters”) of the SECOND PART and A B Co. Pvt. Ltd., a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at …………….(hereinafter called the”Company”) of the…

  • This Agreement made at between A B Co. Ltd. a company incorporated under Indian Companies Act, 1913 and having its registered office at (hereinafter called the Vendor company) of the ONE PART and X Y Co. Ltd. a company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956, and having its registered office at…………………… , (hereinafter called the Purchasing…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ……. day of……. 19……., the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiffs should serve the defendant as [an accountant, or in the capacity of foreman, or as the case may be], and that the defendant should employ the plaintiff as such for the…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE………….. Written Statement In Suit No…………………. of 19………….. ……………… (parentage and address)…………. Plaintiff. versus ……………… (parentage and address)……… Defendant. Written statement of Defendant No. 1: Sir, The Defendant No. 1 abovenamed most respectfully submits as follows: Parawise reply to the plaint— 1. Para 1 of the plaint, as stated, is not…

  • IN THE COURT OF……………….. Written statement in Suit No………………… of 19…………………………………. A. B…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff versus C. D……………………………………………………… Defendant Written statement on behalf of Defendants Nos. 1 and 2. Sir, The defendants above mentioned most respectfully submit as follows: Para wise reply to the plaint: 1. That para No. 1 of the plaint as stated is…

  • In the Court of Judicature at ……………. Extraordinary Civil Jurisdiction Writ Petition No………….of 20…… In the matter of…………………….. Mr……………………v. ………………..and others Memo of Parties Mr ………………….S/o…………………………….. ..Petitioner Mr…………………..S/o……………. Versus Smt……………w/o…………………………. Smt………………………………………….. …Respondents. Hon’ble Registrar, High Court of …………. Sir, This application may be treated URGENT due to the application being a writ of habeas corpus,…

  • To, The Officer In Charge of the jail at …….. Whereas ……, whose attendance is required before this court in the above named case to give evidence (or to produce a document), has been arrested and brought before the court in custody; and whereas owing to the absence of the plaintiff (or defendant), the said…

  • To, The Officer In Charge of the jail at ………… Where as the plaintiff (or defendant) on the above named suit has made application to this court that security be taken for the appearance of ….. to give evidence (or to produce a document), on the …………. day of….. 19 …. /20 …… and whereas…

  • To, The Bailiff of the court. Whereas the witness …………………………………………….. cited by ……………………………. has not, after the expiration of the period limited in the proclamation issued for his attendance, appeared in court; you are hereby directed to hold under attachment ….. property belonging to the said witness to the value of ….. and to submit…

  • To, The Bailiff of the Court Whereas ….. has been duly served with a summons but has failed to attend (absconds and keeps out of the way for the purpose of avoiding service of a summons); you are hereby ordered to arrest and bring the said …… before the Court. You are further ordered to…