Category: Uncategorized

  •   THIS AGREEMENT made at …………….on this………………… of …………….20………… between A S/o B, resident of …………….hereinafter referred to as “the owners” (Which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his heirs, legal representatives, executors and administrators) of the ONE PART and M/s …………….Bombay Traders,…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at …………… on this……… day of ……….., 2000, between A son of …………… resident of ……………………. of the FIRST PART, B son of ……………… resident of ……………… of the SECOND PART and C son of ……………….. resident of …………….. of the THIRD PART. WHEREAS the parties hereto are carrying on the business…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at … this … day of… between Mr. A of the one Part and Mrs. B of the other Part…. residing at … WHEREAS Mr. A and Mrs. B are full brother and sister. AND WHEREAS the father of both A & B died Intestate, on or about the … day of…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at……………….on this……………….day of …….. 20…between X Y Publishers Pvt. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 956, and having its registered office at …………..hereinafter referred to as the “Publishers” of the ONE PART and Shri A son of Shri……………….resident of……………….hereinafter referred to as the “Author” of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS (1)…

  • IN THE COURT OF _____ _____       Versus        _____ SUIT FOR RECOVERY APPLICATION FOR PUTTING UP THE FILE OF THE ABOVE NOTED SUIT BEFORE  THE _____ RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH :- 1-    That the above noted case is pending in this Hon’ble court and is fixed for _____ 2-    That the plaintiff and the defendant…

  • IN THE COURT OF HON’BLE _____ IN THE MATTER OF _____ S/o, W/o _____ …..PLAINTIFFS VERSUS _____ S/o, W/o _____ …..DEFENDANTS SUIT FOR DECLARATION AFFIDAVIT We, _____ S/o, W/o _____ and  _____ S/o, W/o _____ residents of _____, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :- 1(a) That the plaintiff No.1 is owner in possession of portion…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, ………………………………………………………….…….., son of ………………………………………………………….,., and Resi ______________________________, being ………….. in the civil suit No. ______________ of _____________, pending in the court of the _______________ do hereby appoint ____________, son of………………………… and Resi _______________ my attorney in my name and on my behalf to do or execute all or…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, ____________________________ S/o Sh._______________________________________ r/o ____________________________________________, transfers voluntarily, the property bearing no._____________________________ situated at ______________________________ (more particularly described in the schedule annexed hereto), the estimated value of which is Rs._____________ (Rupees_______________________________ only) to my daughter Smt.______________________________ w/o of Sh.___________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the donee”) To Hold the same…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, ______________________________________, S/o Sh.__________________________________, r/o ____________________________________, transfers voluntarily, the property bearing no.______________________________________ situated at _______________ (more particularly described in the schedule annexed hereto), the estimated value of which is Rs.___________ (Rupees_________________________________________________ only) to my daughter Smt.______________________________________________ w/o of Sh.______________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the donee”) To Hold the same…


      IN THE HONBLE HIGH COURT OF __________ AT __________ WRIT PETITION NO. ___________ OF 2000   BN . PETITIONER VERSUS COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX, RANGE X, _______ & OTHERS. . RESPONDENTS   Affidavit of BN, aged about 65 years, son of late Shri PN resident of ________________________________________.   I, the deponent above-named, do hereby solemnly…