Category: Uncategorized

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I ……………………………………………………………. S/o…………………………………………….………….., Resi………………………………………………………., do hereby appoint and nominate …………….., S/o …………………………………………..…………., Resi ……………………………………………………., to be my true and lawful attorney. WHEREAS I, have by power of attorney dated _____/______/_____ appointed _________. as my attorney with the powers therein contained AND whereas I am desirous of giving the said ______………..…

  • TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, ____________________, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at ___________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) SENDS GREETINGS: AND WHEREAS the Company is desirous of appointing Sh. ________________ (hereinafter called the “Attorney”) one of the Directors of the Company as the true…

  • During Trial of a Consumer Complaint, Evidence by way of Affidavit describing every point of the case need to be filed with the Consumer Forum or Consumer commission under Section 17 of Consumer Protection Act. Sample Format of Evidence by way of Affidavit to be filed in a Consumer Complaint is given below: BEFORE THE…

  • Format of evidence by way of Affidavit in a suit for dissolution of partnership firm. As per Section 44 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Suit for dissolution of partnership can be filed in a court and the court may dissolve partnership on the ground mentioned in this section. Extracts of Section 44 of Partnership…

  • BEFORE THE _________ _________        VERSUS         _________ Application Under the _________ Evidence by way of affidavit on behalf of the _________ I, _________ son of _________,  resident of _________, District _________,do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1-    That the deponent _________. 2-    That the respondent _________. 3-    That since the date…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT is made on this ______________ day of ___________ BETWEEN Sh.________________________________ s/o Sh.______________________________ r/o _________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the donor”) AND _______________________________________, a charitable organization registered as a society under the Society Registration Act, 1860 (hereinafter referred to as “the donee”) WHEREAS 1. The donor is the owner and is absolutely seized…

  • THIS DEED is made on this ____________________ day of ____________ BETWEEN Sh._____________________________ s/o Sh. __________________________ r/o _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the donor”) of the one part AND Sh. ____________________________, s/o Sh. ___________________________ r/o _______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the donee”) of the other part. WHEREAS 1. The donor is the owner and is absolutely seized…

  • Criminal Complaint Under Section _________ Negotiable Instruments Act read with section _________ of the Act & Under Section _________ I.P.C. AFFIDAVIT I, _________ S/o _________ R/o _________, District _________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1-      That the deponent _________. 2-      That after _________. 3-      That _________. 4-      That the deponent presented _________. 5-      That at the time _________.…

  • BEFORE THE PRESIDENT DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES  REDRESSAL FORUM, _____ _____ son of _____, resident of _____. COMPLAINANT VERSUS 1-    _____ son of _____, resident of _____. 2-    _____, _____ through its _____. …..RESPONDENTS Complaint Under Section _____ of the Consumer Protection Act _____ Amended up to date Sir, The complainant respectfully submits as under: –…

  • IN THE COURT OF CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE AT_____________ Cr. Complaint No._______of ________. __________________ ……………Complainant. Versus __________________ …………Accused/Respdt. Complaint Under section 138 and 142 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881. Respectfully Showeth:- That the accused  issued one  cheque bearing No. _____________ dated________ for a sum of Rs. ____________________drawn on ______________________ for a   lawful valuable consideration  in discharge of his  liability in favour of the complainant. 2.  That the complainant presented the said…