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  • Format of Affidavit to application objecting to the notice to vacate the premises occupied by the Landlord. Application objecting notice to vacate premises occupied by the landlord should be attached with affidavit. Sample Format of Affidavit to be attached with application objecting to the notice to vacate premises occupied by the Landlord is given below:…

  • Format of Affidavit with application for service of summon by substituted service. Application for substituted service of summon should be supported with affidavit. Sometimes the Defendants avoid receiving summon and the summon may be affixed on the door of his house. As per Order V Rule 20 of Code of Civil Procedure, Summon can be…

  • Format of Affidavit to application for registration of will after the death of testator. Application for Registration of will after the death of Testator should be attached with affidavit by witnesses to the Will mentioning that the testator was healthy and of sound mind at the time of execution of the will. The testator executed…

  • [See Rule 21] IN THE HIGH COURT AT…………. Company Petition No. …….. of 20……..   A.B. …Applicant And C.D. …Respondent In the matter of Companies Act, 1956 Affidavit verifying petition I, ………………………………………………………., son of ………………………………………………., aged ……………………………………………….., residing at ………………………………………………………………………………..………., do solemnly affirm and say as follows :- 1. I am a director/secretary……………………………….….. of ……………………..………………

  • [See Rule 21] IN THE HIGH COURT AT…………. Company Petition No. …….. of 20…….. A.B. …Applicant And C.D. …Respondent In the matter of Companies Act, 1956 Affidavit verifying petition I, ………………………………………………………….…….., son of …………………………………………….…………., aged …………………………………………………….…., residing at ………………………………..……………., do solemnly affirm and say as follows :- 1. I am a director/secretary…………………………………..….. of …………………………………………….. Ltd.,…

  • [See Rule 21] IN THE HIGH COURT AT…………. Company Petition No. …….. of 20…….. A.B. …Applicant And C.D. …Respondent In the matter of Companies Act, 1956 Affidavit verifying petition I, …………………………………………………………….., son of ……………………………………….……………., aged ………………………………………………..……., residing at …………………………………………………………………..………., do solemnly affirm and say as follows :- 1. I am a director/secretary…………………………….….. of ……………………………….………… Ltd.,…

  • [See Rule 50] IN THE HIGH COURT AT…………. Company Petition No. ………. of 20……. ……………. Co., Ltd. – Petitioner Affidavit verifying list of Creditors I.E.F. of ………………………………………………………………….. etc., solemnly affirm and say as follows:- 1. I am the ……………………………………………….…………….. of the said company. 2. The writing now produced and shown to me and marked with…

  • IN THE COURT OF METROPOLITAN MAGISTRATE, In Criminal Complaint No of 20 Complainant: Vs. Accused: P.S.: AFFIDAVIT aged years, Proprietor Ltd., having main office at , do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: That the deponent shall hereinafter call himself as ‘complainant’ and the opposite party as ‘accused’. That the deponent is the complainant…

  • BEFORE THE COURT OF SESSIONS JUDGE, In Criminal Complaint No of 20 Applicant/Accused: Vs. Opposite Party: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged years, presently and permanently residing in The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— 1. That the deponent is the applicant herein and the accused in the Criminal Complaint referred to…

  • IN THE SESSIONS COURT OF Criminal Miscellaneous (Bail) Application No of 20 Applicant: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged , residing in The deponent named above hereby solemnly and affirms as follows:— 1. That I am the deponent referred to above and the accused in Sessions Case No , which is allegedly for…