Category: Uncategorized

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE OF ………………AT ……………….. Contempt Case No. …………… In W. P. No. ………………. Between:- A.B. …Petitioners And C.D. …Respondent Affidavit of ist petitioner herein I, …………………………………, S/o. ……………………………………………, an adult Indian inhabitant, field-men, ……………………….., District………………………………………., do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:- 1. I am the first petitioner herein…

  • IN THE (HIGH) COURT OF __________________ IN the matter of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 And The matter of the liquidation of ________ Co. Ltd. I, …………………………………………………………………… , Aged……………………………………………………………. years, son of _________________________________ , resident of ____________________________ , do hereby on oath /on solemn affirmation state as follows: 1. That the above-named company was on…

  • IN THE (HIGH) COURT OF………………………………………… In the matter of Companies Act, 1956 And The matter of the liquidation of…………………… Company Limited. I, A.B., aged………… years, son of Shri…………… resident of……………………, do hereby on oath (or on solemn affirmation) state as follows: 1. That the abovenamed company was on the…………… day of………………, 2013, the date of…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 And In the matter of Company Ltd. AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged , presently and permanently residing in I, the deponent abovenamed, hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— 1 .I say that, the abovenamed company was, on the day of…

  • I,…………………… , S/o …………………………………………….., Aged……………… years presently and permanently residing in………………………..\ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:— 1……………I was holding a Passport bearing No…… as issued from the Regional Passport Office, on The expiry date of my passport was I lost my hand-bag containing the said Passport and other articles in the Central…

  • BEFORE THE HON’BLE SUBORDINATE JUDGE’S COURT, E.P. No of 20 In O.S. No of 20 Decree-Holder: Vs. Judgment-Debtors: AFFIDAVIT I, ………………………., S/o ,……………………… aged years, General Manager Pvt. Ltd., do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:— 1. I am the General-Manager of the Decree-Holder Company. I am well acquainted with the facts of the…

  • BEFORE THE REGISTRAR OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Affidavit in an Application for a certificate for Registration No of, 20 AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , Aged …………………. years esiding in ……………………………… The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— My mother died a peaceful and natural death on I have already applied for the…

  • Before the Assessing Officer, Ward No ……….. …………………… Circle ……………. In the matter of assessment proceeding of Shri……………………..PAN ………………………………… Affidavit of…………………… aged about …………………….years, son of ……………….resident of…….………… I,………………………above named deponent, do solemnly affirm and state on oath as under: 1 . That I am the assessee in the above noted proceedings and as such…

  • I, ……………………………………….. ., solemnly affirm and say as follows:- 1. I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors/a Director/……………….……… of the abovenamed company, and I have been a director of the company since …………..………… 20………………… 2. I have read the petition now shown to me and marked ‘…………………………’ and state that the statements made…

  • BEFORE THE SUB-REGISTRAR, In the matter of registration of the will executed by Shri S/o………………………. resident of AFFIDAVIT of , S/o Aged about years, residing in I, the abovenamed deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:— That I am the executor under the Will and as such fully acquainted with the facts deposed…