Category: Uncategorized

  • IN THE COURT OF DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Suit No………………… of 19…………………………………. C. F…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff versus C. D……………………………………………………… Defendant Respectfully showeth: 1. That the defendant No. 1 is the father and defendants No. 2 to 4 are his sons, who purportedly constitutes H. U. F. 2. That the defendant No…….. is the owner of house No…… as…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE CIVIL JUDGE, SENIOR DIVISION, PUNE AT PUNE Civil Suit No. /200___ Shri ASR __.{Full Name) ) age 44 years, occupation – agriculture, )        Plaintiff resident of  Rajgurunagar, ) Taluka Khed, District Pune. ) Versus Shri ABR __(Full Name) ) age 69 years, occupation – agriculture, )   …

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the …… day of …… 20….., the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, in writing, and the original document is hereto annexed. The defendant was absolutely entitled to the immovable property described in the agreement. 2. On the …… day of ….. 20….., the…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. By an agreement dated the …… day of ….. and signed by the defendant, he contracted to buy of [or sell to] the plaintiff certain immovable property therein described and referred to, for the sum of …….. rupees. 2. The plaintiff has applied to the defendant…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. Between the ……. day of ……. 20……, and the ….. day of ……..20….., at ……., plaintiff [executed sundry drawings, designs and diagrams] for the defendant, at his request, but no express agreement was made as to the sum to be paid for such services. 2. The…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the …… day of …… 20 ………, at……, the plaintiff built a house [known as No……, in …..], and furnished the materials therefore, for the defendant, at his request, but no express agreement was made as to the amount to be paid for such work…

  • In the court of……………………. at………………………….. Suit No…………………………….. of…………………. 19……………. ……………………………………………………………… Plaintiff. versus ……………………………………………………………. Defendant. Amount of suit, Rupees………………………………….. Whereas in the suit above specified the plaintiff aforesaid has applied to the said court that the said defendant……………………… may be called on to furnish sufficient security to fulfil any decree that may be passed against him…

  • Whereas at the instance of…………………………………….. the plaintiff in the above suit,…………………….. the defendant has been directed by the court to furnish security in the sum of Rs……………………….. to produce and place at the disposal of the court the property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed; Therefore, I…………………………. have voluntarily become surety and do hereby bind…

  • To, This security bond for costs of appeal executed by witnesseth : This appellant has preferred an appeal from the decree in Suit No………………… of 20…… against the respondent, and has been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly 1, of my own free will stand security for the costs of the appeal, mortgaging the properties…

  • To, This security bond on stay of execution of decree executed by witnesseth: That ……………………………….., the plaintiff in Suit No. …………….of 20…… having sued ……………………….. the defendant in this Court and a decree having been passed on the …………….. day of …………… 20…….. in favour of the plaintiff, and the defendant having preferred an appeal…