The Bombay high court’s Aurangabad bench has directed the district collector to provide transportation for children from Bhiw Dhanora village to travel to school. The court took notice of the dangerous journey the children were making on thermocol rafts across deep waters. The PIL will be heard on October 12. #orders #boat #life #jackets #bravehearts…
The Bombay high court’s Aurangabad bench has directed the district collector to provide transportation for children from Bhiw Dhanora village to travel to school. The court took notice of the dangerous journey the children were making on thermocol rafts across deep waters. The PIL will be heard on October 12. #orders #boat #life #jackets #bravehearts…
NOIDA: Whether it was a carefully considered move or a decision made in the throes of panic, Nitin Nath Singh chose the most obvious place to hide. It nearly paid off.The 62-year-old owner of a publishing house was closeted in his bungalow for nearly 16 hours on Sunday after allegedly murdering his wife while police…
BEFORE THE HON’BLE DISTRICT COURT, I.A. No of 20 In C.M.A. No of 20 Petitioner/Appellant: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged years, now residing in The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— That the deponent is the petitioner in the Application and the appellant in the appeal referred to above.…
BEFORE THE HON’BLE DISTRICT COURT AND RENT CONTROL APPELLATE AUTHORITY, I.A. No of 20 In R.C.A. No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of , S/o , aged years, now residing in The deponent abovenamed hereby solemnly affirms and declares as follows:— The deponent is the applicant in the appeal referred to above and the…
Format of Affidavit to be filed with application for stay in a Civil Revision Petition under Section 115 of CPC. Affidavit also needs to be filed with Miscellaneous Application seeking stay in a Civil Revision Petition Section 115 of the Civil Procedure Code. Details of Section 115 of the Civil Procedure Code is given below.…
BEFORE THE HIGH COURT OF Civil Miscellaneous Petition No of, 20 In Civil Revision Petition No of Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of D/o , aged years, now residing in…………………………………………………………………………………………….. The deponent named above hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— 1. The deponent is the petitioner in the Civil Miscellaneous Petition and theCivil Revision Petition…
BEFORE THE HIGH COURT OF Civil Miscellaneous Petition No of, 20 In Civil Revision Petition No of Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of D/o , aged years, now residing in …………………….. The deponent named above hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:— 1. The deponent is the petitioner in the Civil Miscellaneous Petition and the Civil…
BEFORE THE HON’BLE HIGH COURT OF Civil Miscellaneous Petition No of 20 In Civil Revision Petition No of 20 Petitioner: Vs. Respondent: AFFIDAVIT of S/o , aged years, residing in The deponent abovenamed, hereby solemnly affirms and declares as follows:— 1. That the deponent is the Petitioner in the Civil Revision Petition referred to above.…
Before the Sub-Registrar ……………………. In the matter of registration of the WILL executed by Shri ………………… son of …………………… resident of …………………………….. Affidavit of A, aged about …………… years, son of Shri ……………… resident of ……………….. and B, aged about ……………. years, son of Shri ………………. resident of ……………………………… We, the abovenamed deponents do hereby…