Category: Uncategorized

  • I hereby acknowledge that I have this day of…………………… 20…………made payment of Rs ………(Rupees……….).in part payment of the amount borrowed by me from ………………………….on a promissory note dated …………..…executed by me in his favour. Date………………. Sd/ . ……………………

  • The Manager, …………….Bank ………………….. This is to acknowledge and confirm the balance of Rs ………………(Rupees……)as on………………………………day of 20………………due at the foot of the Cash Credit Account maintained by your bank in our firm name and the security by way of hypothecation furnished by us by deed dated…………………….executed by us in favour of the Bank. Date…………………

  • I have this………………………….day of ……………………20……….paid a sum of Rs…………………..(Rupees……… ) in part payment of the within mentioned promissory note. Date………………. Sd/…………………..

  • I hereby acknowledge that a sum of Rs………………….(Rupees………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………) is due from me on The basis of settlement of account between the said Shri/Mr……………………and myself. Date……………….. Address………………………………. . ………………………………………… …………………………………………


    I hereby acknowledgement that a sum of Rs………………………./- (Rupees in word…………………………………………………………………………………………..) Is due from me to Shri/ Mr/ Mrs/Miss……………………………………………………………………. S/o…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… R/o…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… S/d………………………………………………………. S/o. Shri………………………………………………… Date:…………………. Address:……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………..

  • To, …………….. Dear Sir, Your letter dated…………………demanding a sum of Rs……………./-.(Rupees in numeric & words……………….)has been received by Shri/Mr. …………………….….as Shri /Mr. is facing financial crisis due to circumstances beyond his control, he will not be able to pay the said sum to you by ……………….., as demanded by you. However, Shri/Mr. ……………………will try to…

  • Shri………………, Advocate …………………… …………………… Dear Sir, Please refer to your letter dated …………………….issued on behalf of your client Shri………………………………S/o……………………………………. R/o ………………………… 2. I as advocate duly authorised by Shri ……………….. in this regard, acknowledge the liability to pay the said amount of Rs …………..(Rupees………) due from my client to Shri……………….of ………………………. Yours faithfully, ……………… Date…………………..


    Date:___________ To, __________________(name and address of the tenant) Received from_____________(Name of the tenant) the sum of Rs._________ which is rent for the period of __________ for the premises for the above mentioned address. ____________________ (Name and signature of Landlord)

  • Date:                                                                            Receipt Number: From:                                                                           To: Rental property: Received by Amount to be received Amount received Balance due Paid by Cash Check Money Order Other

  • This equitable Mortgage is made the ________. Day of ____,20____ between A.B, aged ___ of the one part and B.B aged  ___ etc of the other part. Whereas the said B. has advanced to the said A.A the sum of Rs._____ only, Now in consideration of such advances aggregating the aforesaid sum of Rs.___ only.…