Category: Uncategorized

  • I,_______(Name of retiring person) hereby acknowledge to have received from shri________(Continuing partner) the sum of Rs.____ (in words) only being the full amount of all moneys due or owing to me in respect of my share in the partnership business carried on under the firm name and style of M/s._______ with said shri ____ up…

  • Received from Mr._____________ the executor of the will of the late Mr.__________. The following items of property, being the residue of the estate of the said deceased, after payment by the executor of all the expenses of and incidental to the administration of the estate and payment of all legacies under the will. I have…


    I,________ s/o _____,_______(Address) have received on this day of _____ from sh. _____, s/o_____, ____(Address) the property of my share_________________( description of the property). I hereby confirm that the above mentioned property is well maintained and accept the property with full satisfaction of all my claims on the property. Signed by _______ on this day…

  • I,________ s/o _____,_______(Address) have received on this day of _____ from sh. _____, s/o_____, ____(Address) the property of my share_________________( description of the property). I hereby confirm that the above mentioned property is well maintained and accept the property with full satisfaction of all my claims on the property. Signed by _______ on this day…

  • I have received from_______(Trustee), as trustee of the ___________ Trust and trustee of the ______ Trust what has represented to me by the Trustee to be a complete accounting of administration of Trust as of ______. In consideration of my receipts of account , I hereby approve, ratify and conform all of the acts and…

  • I_____________, have received from___________(Trustee) as trustee of the ________ trust and trustee of the _________ Trust what has been represented to me by the trustee t be of a complete accounting of his or her administration of the trusts as of _________. I have also received a share of certain real property to which I…

  • Amount:                                                                        Date: Place: I,______________(Name), make commitment to pay _______(Name of the company), the sum of Rs. ________. Repayment is to be made in the form of equal payments at the interest rate of ___ of Rs.___ payable on the 1st of each month, beginning from________ until the total amount of debt is paid. In Witness whereof,…

  • Payment Date: Payment Mode: Cash: Total Amount in Words: Reference: Address: Sn No             description of product           Price              Amount Net Total:

  • I__________________(mortgage) Address___________________ __________________________ I, _____________ (mortgagee) hereby acknowledge that the sum of money borrowed from_____________(mortgagor) of Rs_______is best of my knowledge and I am vested to repay the mortgaged money on _____ day of 20__. Signature_______ Date___________

  • I, ___________ ( mortgagor) hereby acknowledges that the matter was completed on_________ and we herein forward with the title deeds and the documents relating to the mortgaged/ charged property as listed in the schedule of the title deeds attached herewith for your safe custody. We certify and confirms that all the documents are accurate and…