I, ___________ ( mortgagor) hereby acknowledges that the matter was completed on_________ and we herein forward with the title deeds and the documents relating to the mortgaged/ charged property as listed in the schedule of the title deeds attached herewith for your safe custody. We certify and confirms that all the documents are accurate and…
I,_______________ (mortgagee) hereby acknowledge that the sum of mortgage money borrowed from__________(mortgagor) herein called as the creditor who stays at _______________,(address) lends a money of sum of Rs.___,. If at any causes if there is any default in the payment of the mortgage money then the creditor is having the full right to ask for…
I ______________________________[Debtor]. Residing at ___________________________________________________________________ Creditor _____________________________________ I ________________________________________________[Debtor] hereby acknowledge that _________________________________ has the day advance to me the sum of ____________________________________ by the way loans (free of interest or bearing interest at ______________________percent annum/payable half yearly on _______________________________and ________________________________in earn year or the date of payable or as case may) . I agree to repay the same to _________________________[creditor]. Signature…
To ______________________[Creditor] I___________________ [Debtor] of ________________________________________ [address] hereby acknowledge that the sum of Rs________________________________________[rupee] only due from me to ____________________________[Creditor] of ___________________________________________________[Address] for valuable received. Signature: _______________________[Debtor] Date:
I,_________ hereby acknowledges and requesting to extend the limitation of amount borrowed from,__________(creditor) that the undersigned is indebted to the creditor in the amount of _____ as of date hereof which is due owing includes all accrued interest and other permitted charges. Signed this on ___ day of ___ 20___ Signature of debtor
I, ________________(Name of the Debtor) hereby confirm and acknowledge to_______________(Name of Creditor), hereinafter called Creditor, that I am indebted to said Creditor in the amount of __________ as of the date set forth below. I acknowledgment and agree that I incurred said Debt and I am solely responsible for repayment of it to Creditor. I…
This is to acknowledge that ____________________ (description of property) is now registered to____________(Name of the person) is the absolute owner of the land comprised in the above mentioned title, subject to the entries relating to the registration of land. Signature__________ Date:
To, _____________________ ______________________ I,____________ hereby acknowledge that the ______________( description of property), property is to be delivered with the full possession on ___ day of 20___. I acknowledge my liability to give you the possession of the property. Dated: _________ (signature)
I,___________ (name of the party), of account number_________, hereby acknowledge that the above furnished details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and if any of the above mentioned details are misrepresented then I know that I am held liable. __________________ (signature) Date
I ________________________________[The under singed agent]. On behalf of _________________________[legal person]. Name of then signatory ___________________________[signatory duly authorised]. Title: ______________________________________[Title or capacity of the signatory]. Date:_________________________[Signatory date]. Place: _______________________[Place where agreement is singed]. The written made between the __________________________________________[parties]was entered into by the written named or agent on behalf of the principal who is entitled to…