Category: Uncategorized

  • IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE, AGRA Misc. Application No…………../2010 Shri __A__ B __ C __…………. )………….Applicant Age 36 years, occupation – social worker,………….) Resident of 235 Parsi Gymkhana,……………………….) MUMBAI 400 021. Versus The State of Maharashtra……………………………………) _ Opponent ANAPPLICATIONFORTHEGRANTOFBAILU/S 438 OF THE CRIMINALPROCEDURE CODE 1973 The applicant above-named submits this application,…

  • In the High Court at Mumbai (Criminal Miscellaneous Jurisdiction) In the matter of: An application for anticipatory bail under Section 439 of Criminal Procedure Code. R s/o M residing at 72, Bora Bazar, Mumbai Petitioner Versus State of Maharashtra Respondent To, The Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble Court.…

  • In the Court of Sessions Judge at Criminal Misc. Case No……………of 2010 In the matter of……………… An application for anticipatory bail under section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 And In the matter of………………… AB ………………………………… Petitioner versus The State of Maharashtra… Respondent The humble petition of the petitioner above-named MOST RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH:…

  • In the High Court at Mumbai (Criminal Miscellaneous Jurisdiction) In the matter of an Application for anticipatory bail under section 439, CrPC NAME …PETITIONER Versus NAME. …Respondents To The Hon’ble Chief Justice High Court, Mumbai To The Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble Court The humble petition of AB,…

  • BEFORE THE HON’BLE COURT OF ………………….. Transfer application No…………………… of …………. (Under Section …………. of I.P.C./ Cr.P.C.)…………… District…………… Sri ………………………S/o …………………… R/o……………………. P. S…………………… District………… ………….. …Complaint Versus Sri …………………………. S/o …………………….. R/o ………………………….. P.S……………………. District……… …………… …Accused To The Hon’ble judge of the aforesaid Court The humble applicant most humbly showeth as under: 1.…

  • BEFORE THE HON’BLE COURT OF………………….. Anticipatory Bail Application No. …………… of…………. (Under Section 438, Cr.P.C.) District………………. Sri. …………………. S/o……………….. R/o …………………… P. S. ………………. District ……………. ……………. …Applicant Versus State of U.P. Case/crime No. ……………………… Under Section…………….. I. P.C. Village…………….. Thana…………….. District ………………. To The Hon’ble Judge of the aforesaid Court. The humble applicant most…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF……………….. I. A. No………………… of 19……………….. in Suit No………………… of 19……………….. A. B………………………………………….. Plaintiff/Applicant versus C. F…………………………………. Defendants/Respondents Affidavit of Shri………….. S/o……………….. Shri………………… R/o……………… I, the abovenamed deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and submit as under: 1. That I am defendant No. 3 in the above suit and as such conversant…

  • BEFORE THE HON’BLE COURT OF………………….. Affidavit In Anticipatory Bail Application No. ………………… of ……. (Under Section 438, Cr.P.C.) District…………………. Sri. …………………. S/o……………….. R/o…………………… P. S. ………………. District ……………. ……………. …Applicant Versus Affidavit of Sri. …………………………………….. aged about ………… S/o ……………………….. R/o …………………… P.S………………. District ………… …Deponent I, the deponent above named do hereby solemnly affirm…

  • RESOLVED that the Annual General meeting of the company be convened on ……………, the……….at……….a. m. at ……………and that the Secretary be and is hereby authorised to issue the notice in respect thereof as per the draft placed before the Board and initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification.

  • RESOLVED that a dividend at the rate of Rs……….be and is hereby declared, on the equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up in the paid-up capital of the company and that the aforesaid dividend be distributed subject to deduction of tax before payment under section 194 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 on or…