Category: Uncategorized

  • THIS ASSIGNMENT is made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of grantor ) (hereinafter called the grantor) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donee) (hereinafter called the donee) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS: 1. Under and by virtue of the will dated etc. of…

  • THIS GIFT DEED is made between Mr X. S/o. R/o . (hereinafter called as Donor) and Donee) on .. WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Donor, owner in possession of the properties specified in the schedule hereto, valued at present at Rs does hereby , out of his natural love and affection and also out…

  • THIS AGREEMENT OF GIFT is entered into between Mr. X son of .. R/o . (hereinafter called the donor) and Mr.. son of.. R/o. Doctor by Profession (hereinafter called Donee) on . WHEREAS the donee is running a charitable private Nursing Home providing medical facilities to scheduled castes and poor patients of any caste and…

  • LET IT BE KNOW TO ALL MEN that I.. s/o .r/o..(hereinafter called the Donor, owner in possession of land described in the schedule annexed herewith, intending to construct and start a hospital in for providing free medical facilities to the poor inhabitants of , desire to donate the aforesaid land to Mr s/o.r/o.. (hereinafter called…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name of Donor, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the assignor) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name of Donee, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the Donee) the wife of the assignor (or as the case may be) of the OTHER PART.…

  • I, s/o.r/otransfer to (Miss) . my grand daughter aged about 18 years an amount of Rs.on the auspicious occasion of your marriage with Mr. Dated Sd/..

  • LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL by this Deed of Gift that I, .. S/o R/o.. do, hereby, out of natural love and affection and also out of my free will and without any force, compulsion or undue influence, transfer an amount of Rs.. to my grandson Mr.. X S/o.. R/o. as he requires money…

  • [Short form] THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the donor) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the donee) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS: 1. [Recite will or settlement and in the…

  • I, s/o.r/o.. give this amount of Rs . in gift to you, Mr s/o resident of , my brother, for meeting the marriage expenses of my niece, Miss.on this

  • THIS AGREEMENT OF GIFT is entered into between Mrs W/o . R/o .. (hereafter called the Donor) and Mrs s/o. r/o. Managing Director of Charitable Trust (hereinafter called the Donee) on this . WHEREAS the donee is the Managing director of .. Charitable Trust maintaining and running Public Library in and providing free reading facilities…