Category: Uncategorized

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the trustee) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donee) (hereinafter called the donee) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Donee is the manager duly constituted of the __________________ School…

  • THIS DEED of gift is made at ……. on this …… day of …….. 2000, between A son of Shri ………… resident of ………. (hereinafter called “the Donor”) of the ONE PART and B Son of Shri ………………….. resident of ……………………………….. (hereinafter called “the donee”) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the donor is absolutely possessed…

  • THIS GIFT DEED made on .. day of month ..year , 2000, between Mr.s/o..r/o(hereinafter called the Donor ) and Mr.s/o..r/o(hereinafter called the Donee ) WHEREAS the donor, the absolute owner in possession of the entire property mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed, valued at present, at desirous to dispose of his entire property by…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT is made on . between Mr X.. s/or/o..(hereinafter called the Donor) and ., Mandir, situated at .through its manager Mr..s/o..r/o(hereinafter called the Donee). WHEREAS the donor, being the owner in possession of the property specified in the scheduled herewith, is great worshiper of and is anxious to make a gift of…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the doner) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name Society registered) under the Society’s Registration Act ____________  (hereinafter called the society) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Society is conducting several charitable…

  • I, s/o.r/transfer to (Miss) . my daughter aged about .all these books (catalogues is annexed herewith) for the education on this . at … Sd/- ________________________________________________________________

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the party) of the ONE PART AND _______________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc.) (hereinafter called the parrty) of the Second PART. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Second Party is the only surviving member of the family of the…

  • THIS DEED OF GIFT IS MADE ON .. the day of January ..between Mr..s/or/o.. (hereinafter to be called as Donee). WHEREBY THE DONOR who is the absolute owner in possession of the shop no. ..situated at . valued at present at Rs. . unto and the use of the aforesaid Donee, his heirs successors and…

  • KNOW ALL MEN by their present that I.son of.r/o . (here inafter called as Donor) do hereby freely and voluntarily and out of love and affection, transfer by way of gift to Mrs/o..r/o(hereinafter called Donee) my plot of land numbering situated at .. .., measuring 2.3 Acres in entirety valued at present, at Rs. Only.…

  • LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL MEN by these presents that I s/o .. r/oowner and in possession of the House No.. situated at , valued, at present , at Rs. does, hereby out of natural love and affection and also out of my free will and without any compulsion, force or undue influence, give,…