Category: Uncategorized

  • RESOLVED that all books of accounts, vouchers, documents and records for the years upto and inclusive of the year …………as per list tabled before the Board and initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification and being more than 8 years old be destroyed.

  • RESOLVED that Shri…………the Managing Director, be and he is hereby authorised to exercise inter alia the following specific powers subject to the limits as indicated, namely- (1) Acquisition & disposal of capital assets (a) Acquisition of capital assets Within an overall limit of Rs. 75,000,000 (Rupees Seventy-five million only) in between two consecutive Board Meetings,…

  • (i) RESOLVED that the consent of the company be and the same is hereby accorded to the creation by the company of a first fixed charge to be constituted in accordance with law in such form or forms as may be approved by …………in favour of …………over all the lands, factories, buildings, structures, fixtures, fixed…

  • RESOLVED that the name of the Company be changed from…………………………………………………. subject to the approval of the Central Government in accordance with section 21 of the Companies Act, 1956.

  • RESOLVED that the application(s) for transmission of the Equity Shares as described in the Share Transfer Register being Transmission Nos ……….to……….for transmission of……….Equity/Preference Shares of the company be and are hereby approved and the persons mentioned in the column ‘transferees’ in the Share Transfer Register be registered members of the company in the place of…

  • RESOLVED that the share transfer application(s) as described in the Share Transfer Register being Transfer Nos. ……….to……….for the transfer of ……….Equity/Preference Shares of the company be and are hereby approved and that the transferees mentioned therein be registered as members of the company in the place of the respective transferors in respect of the shares…

  • RESOLVED that the prospectus relating to issue of ……….equity shares of Rs. 10 each to the public at par, as per the draft placed before the Board and initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification be and is hereby approved and adopted. That a copy of the aforesaid prospectus be delivered to the Registrar…

  • RESOLVED that the Balance Sheet as at…………and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended………… (both to be tabled at the meeting and to be initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification) be approved and that they be recommended to the members for acceptance at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the company…

  • RESOLVED that the text of the advertisement (draft of which was placed on the table at the time of the meeting) for the purpose of inviting and accepting the fixed deposits during the financial year……….based on the annual accounts of the company for the financial years ended on……….and……….be and is hereby approved and that Shri…

  • RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of section 294 of the Companies Act, 1956, and subject to the approval of the Reserve Bank of India and subject to the offer being accepted by…………., this meeting approves the appointment of as the company’s sole selling agent for sale of structural steel-work, pressed steel tanks, grey iron…