Category: Uncategorized

  • THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made this…………. day of……….20 One thousand nine hundred and Ninety……….between X Y & Co. India Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at ……………..hereinafter called “the Seller”(which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to mean and include…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Civil Rev. No………………… of 19……………………….. U/s. 115 C. P. C. A. B………………………………………….. Plaintiff/Applicant versus CD…………………………………….. Defendant/Respondent Valuation of suit property: Rs………………… Nature of Suit: Suit for injunction Court fee paid on Revision Application: Rs………………… Sir, The Revision application against the order dated……………….. of the XVIII Additional Munsif,……………….. in…

  • The Companies Act, 1956 Form No. 1 A Application for availability of names To The Registrar of Companies, Sir, Sub: Availability of Names – Information – Furnishing of We, the following applicants, are desirous of forming a company to be registered under the Companies Act, 1956 in the State of ………………………………… 1. Name and full…

  • In Agreement made at………….this………….day of………….20………….between A, son of………….resident of……………………..(hereinafter called the “Vendor”) of the ONE PART and B, son of…………. resident of………….C, son of…………………… resident of………….and D, son of resident of…………. (hereinafter collectively called the”Promoters”) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Vendor is carrying on business as sole proprietor of manufacturers of electronic goods under…

  • IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Civil Appeal No………………… of 19……………….. u/s. 96 C. P. C. C. D…………………………………………… Plaintiff/Appellant versus C. F……………………………………… Defendant/Respondent Sir, The appeal of the Plaintiff/appellant against judgment and decree of the learned Civil Judge………………… decreeing the suit of the plaintiff in part as to the realisation of the principal amount…

  • An Agreement made at………….this………….day of………………20………….between A, son of resident of………….B, son of………….resident of………….and C son of………….resident of………….carrying on the business of………….at………….in partnership under the name and style of M/s………….(hereinafter collectively called the “Vendors”) of the ONE PART and X Y Co. Pvt. Ltd., a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered…

  • IN THE COURT OF……………….. Suit No………………….. 200 In the Matter of: – AB…………………………………………………………… plaintiff versus CD……………………………………………………….. Defendant Most Respectfully Showeth: – 1. That the plaintiff had filed an application under Order 39 Rule 1 CPC before this Hon’ble Court. This Hon’ble Court was pleased to issue a warrant of arrest against the defendant. 2. That…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made the……….day of……….20 ……….among XY a company registered under the laws of America, and having its principal place of business at ………………………………….. USA, hereinafter called “the Seller”, (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the meaning or context thereof, be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the FIRST PART, AB & Co.…

  • IN THE COURT OF…………………………… Suit No………………….. 199…………… In the Matter of: AB…………………………………………………………… Plaintiff versus CD……………………………………………………….. Defendant Most Respectively Showeth: – 1. That I am the decree holder in Suit No……………….. of………………. which was decreed by this Hon’ble Court. 2. That under the decree passed by this Hon’ble Court an amount of Rs………………… is to be…

  • Form of revision in District Court IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE……………….. Civil. Revision No………………… of 19……………….. u/s. 25 Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887. A. B……………………………………………………….. Applicant versus C. D……………………………………………….. Opposite Party REVISION APPLICATION AGAINST JUDGMENT AND DECREE DATED……………….. IN ORIGINAL SUIT NO………………… OF 19……………….. Valuation of Suit: Rs………………… Nature of Suit: Recovery…