Category: Uncategorized


    IN THE HIGH COURT OF……………….. Civil Appellate Jurisdiction C. Misc………………… of 19……………….. in R. S. A. No……………………………………………… of 19…… ………………………………………………………….. Appellants. versus ……………………………………………………….. Respondents. To The Hon’ble Chief Justice and his companion judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court: The Defendants/Respondents most respectfully submit as follows: 1. That on……………….. and others, who had purchased…

  • In the High Court of ………… First Appeal No. …….. ……… (Under Section 54 of the Land Acquisition Act) District-……………. A.………………….. …Defendant/Appellant Versus B …………………… …Claimant/Respondents The appellants abovenamed appeals from the decree/award dated …………20……. made by Sri ………..……………… III Additional District and Sessions Judge, …………….. in Regular Misc. No. 1817 of 78. Between ………………………

  • IN THE COURT OF THE……………….. Civil Original/appellate/revisional Jurisdiction. Suit/Appeal/Revision/Misc. Application/Petition/Execution ………………. No………………… of 19……………….. Plaintiff(s) Appellant(s) Applicant(s) Petitioner(s) versus Defendant(s) Respondent(s) CAVEAT Sir, May your Honour please, let nothing be done in the suit/appeal/Revision/ Execution/Petition aforesaid, without notice to me/us. Dated this the……………….. day of……………….. 19……………….. (Advocate(s) For Defendant(s) Respondent(s) Third Party Intervenor(s) Any information…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. The plaintiff is the absolute owner of [describe the property] 2. The defendant is in possession of the same under a lease from the plaintiff. 3. The defendant has [cut down a number of valuable trees, and threatens to cut down may more for the purpose…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ……. day of ………20……., E.F. hired from the plaintiff for the term of ……. years, the [house No……., ……. Street], at the annual rent of …… rupees, payable [monthly]. 2. The defendant agreed, in consideration of the letting of the premises to E.F, to…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ….. day of ….. 19…., the defendant C.D., for the purpose of inducing the plaintiff to sell him certain goods, represented to the plaintiff that [he was solvent, and worth….. rupees over all his liabilities.] 2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to sell and…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the …….. day of ……. 19….., the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, and the original document is hereto annexed. [or state the tenure of the contract.] 2. The plaintiff duly performed all the conditions of the agreement on his part. 3. The defendant…

  • IN THE COURT OF…………………………………. Suit No………………… /200 In the matter of AB……………………………………………. Plaintiff/Petitioner versus CD……………………………………… Defendant/Respondent AFFIDAVIT I……………………………………………… resident of…………………………………………. …………………………………………………. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: – 1. That I am the………………………………………… in this case and hence competent to swear this affidavit. 2. That the contents of the accompanying application are true…

  • The affidavit of…….., son of ………………….. I ……………………… make oath/affirm and say as follows:– (1) I am a process server of this Court. (2) On the …………….. day of…………….. 19…. /20 ……, I received a summons/notice issued by the Court of …………….. in suit No………. of 19…….. /20 ……, in the said court, dated the…

  • In the court of………………………………………….. A. B. of…………………………………………….. Decree-holder. versus C…………………………………………………. Judgment-debtor. I………………… of………………….. state on oath solemn affirmation as follows: – 1. My full name is……………………………. (Block capitals). 2. I live at………………………………………….. *3. I am married. Single Widower/widow divorced. 4. The following persons are dependent upon me: – 5. My employment, trade or profession is…