Category: Uncategorized

  • Sometimes Arbitration clause assumes great importance in a building agreement. Therefore, it should be drafted on the following lines.   In case any dispute should arise between the owner and the contractor, whether in respect of dealy in supply of materials by the owner or delay in execution of work by the contractor, or the…

  • Agreement (Under section 10A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947) BETWEEN The management of the X Y Co. Ltd. AND The workmen of the X Y Co. Ltd. Name of the parties Representative employer.-The management of X Y Co. Ltd., Bombay. Representing workmen.-AM India X Y Co. Ltd., Employees and Workmen Association. It is hereby…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at………………on this………………….day of………….20………between X Y Co. Ltd.., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at hereinafter referred to as “the Company” (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at………………on this………day of…….20 ………between A, son of B, resident of…………………..hereinafter referred to as “the party of the FIRST PART” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns) and C, son of D, resident of…………….hereinafter referred to as “the…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made this………….day of……..20……….. between A, son of resident of…………(hereinafter, referred to partner No. 1), B, son of Y, resident of…………….hereinafter referred to, partner No. 2) and Q son of Z resident of…………………(hereinafter referred to partner No. 3). WHEREAS (1) The aforesaid partners are trading as partners under the firm name and style of…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at………………..on this………………day of………….20…between A, son of B, resident of hereinafter referred to as “the party of the FIRST PART” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns) and Q Son of D, resident of…………..hereinafter referred to as “the…

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at … this … day of… between Mr. A of the One Part Mr. B of the Second Part and Mr. C of the Third Part.   WHEREAS the parties hereto have been carrying on business in partnership under a Deed of Partnership dated … entered into by the parties hereto and…

  • This agreement made on this __________, 2000 at ____________ between:   1. Mr. KC aged about ___ years s/o Mr. JN r/o ________________, hereinafter called the 1st party.   2. Mr. PC aged about ___ years s/o Mr. KC r/o ________________, hereinafter called the 2nd party.   3. Mr. JL aged about ___ years s/o…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT FORT WILLIAM IN BENGAL ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION. Suit No………………… of 19……………….. In the matter of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (and) In the matter of the Arbitration Agreement, dated the……………….. day of……………….. 19……………….. (Between) A. B. (name, description and place of residence)………………………………….. Plaintiff (and) C. D. (name, description…

  • IN THE HIGH COURT OF………….. In the Matter of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 And In the Matter of Arbitration Agreement dated………….. Between AB (Name, description and place of residence)……………… Petitioner And CD (Name, description and place of residence)……………. Respondent The petitioner AB above named most respectfully sheweth: — 1. That an agreement dated…………… was…