THIS BOND is made at …………on this …………day of 20………… by A son of resident of (hereinafter called the Debtor) of the ONE PART and B son of ………..resident of ………… (hereinafter called the Surety) of the OTHER PART.

(1) That 1, A, aforesaid debtor acknowledge my indebtedness to the said creditor in the sum of Rs ………….(Rupees ……….) borrowed today from C for which I hereby promise to pay on demand to of the said Shri …………..with interest at the rate of ………….pecent per annum.

(2) That in consideration of the advance of a sum of Rs …………. by C to the said A, I, B aforesaid surety, stand as surety for the repayment of the said loan with interest at the rate aforementioned. In case the aforesaid debtor shall fail to pay on demand the said sum, I the said B shall without any demur pay the said dues of the said C on demand.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the said A and B have set and subscribed our respective hands on the day and year first above written.

2. .                                                                                                                        signed …………….


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