A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:–
1. On the …….. day of ….. 20….., the plaintiff took E.F. into his employment as a clerk.
2. In consideration thereof, on the …… day of ….. 20…., the defendant agreed with the plaintiff that if E.F.,
should not faithfully perform his duties as a clerk to the plaintiff, or should fail to account to the plaintiff for
all monies, evidences of debt or other property received by him for the use of the plaintiff, the defendant
would pay to the plaintiff whatever loss he might sustain by reason thereof, not exceeding …… rupees.
[Or, 2. In consideration thereof, the defendant by his bond of the same date bound himself to pay
the plaintiff the penal sum of …… rupees, subject to the condition that if E.F., should faithfully perform his
duties as clerk and cashier to the plaintiff and should justly account to the plaintiff for all money, evidence of
debt or other property which should be at any time held by him in trust for the plaintiff, the bond should be
[Or, 2. In consideration thereof, on the same date the defendant executed a bond a favour of the
plaintiff, and the original documents is hereto annexed.]
3. Between the …… day of ……..20…….., and the ……. day of…… 20….. E.F. received money and other
property, amounting to the value of ….. rupees, for the use of the plaintiff, for which sum he has not
accounted to him, and the same still remains due and unpaid.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and relief claimed.]

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