A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:–
E.F., late of………, was at the time of his death, and his estate still is, indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of … [here insert nature of debt and security, if any]
2. E.F. died on or about the ….. day of ….. By his last will, dated the ……. day of ….. he appointed C.D. his executor [or devised his estate in trust, etc., or died intestate, as the case may be.]
3. The will was proved by C.D, [or letters of administration were granted, etc.]
4. The defendant has possessed himself of the movable [and immovable, or the proceeds of the immovable] property of E.F , and has not paid the plaintiff his debt.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
7. The plaintiff claims that an account may be taken of the movable [and immovable] property of E.F., deceased, and that the same may be administered under the decree of the court.

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