Misc. Application No. / 2010
Shri _ T_N_T__, )
Age 40 years, occupation – service, ) _ Applicant
Resident of S. No. 200, Hingane, )
Mumbai 400 052. )
Shri _ L_N_D__, )
Age 50 years, occupation – service, ) _ Opponent
Resident of S. No. 225, Hingane, )
Mumbai 400 052.
The applicant above-named submits this application, praying to state as follows:

1. Description of Suit Property : All that piece and parcel of premises consisting of a two-room block totally admeasuring 250 sqft situate on the ground floor in the building standing at S. No. 200, of the revenue village Hingane, Taluka Haveli, District Mumbai.

2. That the property described in para 1above is owned by the opponent, and the applicant is a monthly tenant therein.

3. That the month of tenancy is according to the English calendar, commencing on the first day in a month and ending on the last day of the same month.

4. That the monthly rent for the suit premises is @ Rs. 1,000/- exclusive of all other charges and taxes.

5. That the applicant submits that he has been very regular in making the payment of the monthly rent. However, in the month of June 200_, the opponent asked this applicant to pay the monthly rent @ Rs. 1,200/-, or to vacate the suit premises.

6. That the applicant’s refusing to do neither, the opponent refused to accept the amounts of rent.

7. That the opponent thereafter served upon this applicant a notice of demand-cum-termination, on…………….., and hence, this application.

8. That the applicant states and submits that the suit premises are in a dilapidated condition, far away from school, market and other facilities and amenities, and the standard rent for the same would not be more than Rs. 500/- per month.

9. That the cause of action for this application first arose on……….,’and this application being made within one month therefrom is well within time.

10. That the application being chargeable with a fixed rate of court fee & the same is paid herewith.

11. That the property is situated within the local limits of the jurisdiction of this court, and hence, this Hon’ble Court has jurisdiction to try and decide this application.

12. That the applicant, therefore, prays that
(A)Standard rent for the suit premises be fixed;
(B) Interim standard rent for the premises be fixed, and this applicant be allowed to deposit in this Hon’ble Court the arrears of rent and rent pendete lite;
(C)The opponent be ordered to pay the costs of this applicant; and
(D) Any other orders in the interest of justice be kindly passed.
Sd/- TNT
Dated:                                                                                                                   APPLICANT
Sd/- xXx                                                                                        ADVOCATE FOR APPLICANT

I, Shri TNT, the present applicant, do hereby state on solemn affirmation that the contents of this application in paras 1 to 12 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, so I have signed hereunder.

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