Suit No………………… of 19………………………………….
C. D…………………………………………………………. Plaintiff
C. F………………………………………………………. Defendant
The applicant most respectfully submits as under: —
1. That in the present suit for foreclosure of the mortgage relating to the mortgaged property in suit, this court passed a preliminary decree in favour of the plaintiff against the defendant (applicant) on………………. (date).
2. That in pursuance of para………………. of the decree the defendant (applicant) was liable to pay to the plaintiff an amount of Rs………………..
3. That all amount due has been paid by the defendant under the decree of the court vide the receipt of dated………………. which is being attached along with the application.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that the final decree be passed ordering the plaintiff to deliver the documents referred to in the preliminary decree and the plaintiff be ordered to retransfer the mortgaged property and the plaintiff be ordered to put the defendant in possession of the property.
It is accordingly prayed.
Through Advocate


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