IN THE COURT OF……………………………………..
Suit No……………………………. of 199
In the Matter of: –
AB………………………………………………………….. Plaintiff
CD………………………………………………………. Defendant
Most Respectively Showeth: –
1. That the service of the summons has not been effected on the defendant so far in the case.
2. That as per orders of this Hon’ble court summons were sent to the defendant by ordinary process through the court and also by post several times but the defendant is keeping out of the way for the purpose of avoiding service of the summons so as to delay the case.
3. That the defendant is working at…………………………… and is attending the office regularly.
4. That the applicaant is aware of the said fact personally and an affidavit to this effect is being filed alongwith the application.
5. That it is expedient in the ends of justice that the service of summons may be effected in such other mode as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper.
It is most respectfully prayed that the service of summons may be directed to be effected on the defendant by affixation or by publication in the newspaper.
It is prayed accordingly. Applicant
Through Advocate
Place: …………………………
Dated: ………………………..

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