IN THE COURT OF……………………………
Suit No……………………………. of 200
In the Matter of:
AB………………………………………………………….. Plaintiff
CD………………………………………………………. Defendant
Most Respectfully Showeth:
1. That the defendant in his written statement has set up counter-claim but the claim is not only vague but is in general terms.
2. That it is expedient in the ends of justice that the defendant be ordered by this Hon’ble Court to furnish further and better particulars of the counter-claim.
(Mention here particulars)
It is prayed that the defendant be ordered to deliver to the plaintiff further and better particulars of the counter-claim set up by him in his written statement within such time as may be ordered by this Hon’ble Court.
It is prayed accordingly. Applicant

Through Advocate
Place: …………………………
Dated: …………………………

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