Suit No………………….. 200
In the Matter of: –
AB…………………………………………………………… plaintiff
CD……………………………………………………….. Defendant
Most Respectfully Showeth: –
1. That the plaintiff had filed an application under Order 39 Rule 1 CPC before this Hon’ble Court. This Hon’ble Court was pleased to issue a warrant of arrest against the defendant.
2. That pursuant to the order of this Hon’ble Court the defendant was arrested on……………….. and he could obtain release only on payment of amount of Rs. ……………….. as mentioned in the warrant of arrest.
3. That it is submitted that the plaintiff had obtained warrant of arrest on the ground that the defendant had absconded and left the local limits of jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.
4. That it is submitted that the defendant had neither absconded nor left the local limits of the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.
5. That on account of obtaining wrongful arrest by the plaintiff the defendant had suffered loss as under: –
(Mention the loss suffered)
It is most respectfully prayed that the applicant be awarded compensation of Rs………………… for the injury caused on account of obtaining wrongful arrest by the plaintiff.
It is therefore prayed accordingly.
Applicant ThroughAdvocate

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