Ref. No. ……………………
Date :……………….

Subject: Terms and Conditions of Employment

Dear Sir,

With reference to your application and later on interview/test in connection with your appointment as ………………….. Cook ………………………….… Or Coffee Boy in this Organisation, we have the pleasure to offer you the post (herein mentioned above) on the following Terms & Conditions:-

(01) Initially you shall be on probation for a period of from the date of your joining and the said period of probation shall be liable to be extended further or dispensed with earlier at the discretion of the management.

(02) During or at the expiry of your said probationary period or the extended period of probation, the management will have the right to terminate your service without any notice or without assigning any reasons thereof. Unless confirmed in writing, you will continue to be on probation.

(03) Your Job Responsibilities will be ………………………………………….

(04) If you are found absent for eight consecutive days without express permission in writing of the Management or if you proceed on leave without prior sanction or over-stay the sanctioned leave without obtaining sanction, your service shall automatically come to an end and a presumption will be drawn that you have abandoned the employment of your own accord and you will be liable to give one month’s salary in lieu thereof, which will be adjusted from payment of your salary or other benefits.

(05) Your appointment and continuance in employment of the management will always be subject to your being medically fit and the management will have the right to get you examined/re-examined by any Registered Medical practioner.

(06) You will be whole-time employee of the management and shall not engage your self in any work of business or profession either honorary or otherwise without permission from the management.

(07) In case of any change in the address during the course of your employment with the management, it shall be your duty to intimate the same in writing within three days from such change and shall also get the change so effected recorded in the Register of Addresses maintained for the purpose by the management.

(08) That all communications sent to you by the management at your last given address shall he deemed to have been delivered to you at correct address.

(09) That you shall not utilize, disclose, or divulge to any person or persons any trade secret or know-how of the management.

(10) In case any act, omissions, constituting misconduct is alleged against you, you may be placed under suspension pending enquiry and shall not be entitled to any wages during the period of such suspension.

(11) Your services shall be liable to be transferred from one place to another and/or from one post to another purely at the discretion of the management.

(12) You will be responsible for the safe custody of the tools and/or utensils and other things entrusted to you and in case of any damage or loss, the management shall have the right to make good the same from your salary besides taking any other disciplinary action as may be deemed fit and proper.

(13) You shall be governed by Standing Orders/Service Rules and work according to directions/ Instructions given to you from time to time by the management.

(14) You will wear your uniform during duty hours and will keep it always neat, clean and ironed.

In case the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please return the carbon copy of this offer of appointment after affixing your signature in token of your having accepted the same and report for duty within three days from the receipt of this letter.

Dated :……..

Yours faithfully



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