SUIT NO……… 20……

It is hereby decree as follows :

1. That the defendant to do put the plaintiff in possession of the property specified is the schedule hereunto annexed.

2. That the defendant to pay to the plaintiff the sum of Rs…………… with interest thereon at the rate of ………………. per cent per annum to the date of realization on account of mense profit which have accrued due prior to the institution of the suit.


2. That an inquiry be made as to the account of mense profits which have accrued due prior to the institution of the suit.

3. That an inquiry be made as to the amount of mense profits from the institution of the suit until [the delivery of possession to the decree-holder] [the relinquishment of possession by the judgment-debtor with notice to the decree-holder though the Court] [the expiration of three years from the date of decree].



Andhra Pradesh :

As by the Madras High Court.

Kerala :

As by the Madras High Court.

Madras :

Insert the following new Form No. 24.


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