Minutes of the……….th meeting of the Board of Directors of……….Co. Ltd. held at Registered
office of the company on………………………. , ……….th day of……….20……….at……….P.M.
1 . Mr. A


2. Mr. B


3. Mr. C
4. Mr. D
5. Mr. E
In Attendance
Mr. F, Advocate
Mr. G, Secretary
1. The minutes of the Board meeting held on……….20……….were read, approved, and signed
by the Chairman as a correct record.
2. Leave of absence from attending the meeting was granted to S/Shri ……………..
……………….and………. Directors.
3. The proposal for publication of advertisement for inviting deposits from the public was
considered and it resolved that the publication of the advertisement inviting deposits from the
public, as per draft placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of
identification be and is hereby approved.
Resolved further that a copy of the advertisement duly signed by the Directors be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Bombay for registration before publication, incorporating
therein such changes as may be required by the Registrar.
Resolved further that the Form of Application and statement of particulars as per the draft placed
before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of identification, be and are
hereby approved.
Resolved further that S/Shri……….and……….Director and Secretary respectively of the company
be and are hereby authorised to sign jointly deposit receipts on behalf of the company.
4. The share transfers were placed before the meeting and it was resolved that approval be and
is hereby given to the undernoted transfers.
Transfer No. No. of Shares Transferor
5. The appointment of authorised representative to attend and vote at all meetings of the body’s
corporate of which the company is a member was considered and it was resolved that
Shri……….failing whom Shri……….be and is hereby authorised to attend and vote at all
meetings of the bodies corporate of which the company is a member or at any adjournments
thereof as an authorised representative of the company, such authority to include signing of
letters of consent pursuant to the provisions of sections 171 and 219 of the Companies Act.
Resolved further that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to each body corporate of which
the company is a member.
6. The Managing Director’s report dated………. explaining progress of the company during
the month of……….20 ……….was tabled, discussed and noted.

7. There being no other business, the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Dated: ……….20……….

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