In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at …………….
Notice of Revision………………………
(Under CLI A Rule 4 of the Act No. V of 1908)

Appellate Jurisdiction
Civil Revision No……….. of 20……..

Mr……………………… …Applicant


Mr………………………. …Respondents

Appeal From the…………………of the …………………………… Court of Ist ADJ, ………
Dated the……………….day of…………….20…………
In……………….Case No. ………………..20………….


Shri……………………………..… S/o Shri…………………………. R/o …………………… Distt………………… Respondent.

Whereas an appeal from the…………………… of the ……………..of……………. in the case abovenoted has been presented by the applicant, you are hereby called upon to enter appearance on or before the ……… day of ………..20…….., to answer the appeal the said appeal will be heard by the Court on such day thereafter may be subsequently notified in accordance with the rules.

Take notice that in default of appearance on or before the day before mention in person by Advocate or by some person by law authorized to Act on your behalf the appeal will be heard and determined in your absence.

You are informed that on a first appeal from an original decree a paper book has to be prepared at the insuance of the parties except where the appeal is disposed of summarily. An application for transaction and printing of documents is required to be filed and estimated charged paid within the time provided by the Rules.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Court.


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