A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:–
1. The plaintiff is mortgagor of lands of which the defendant is mortgagee.
2. The following are the particulars of the mortgage:–
(a) (date);
(b) (names of mortgagor and mortgagee);
(c) (sum secured);
(d) (rate of interest);
(e) (property subject to mortgage);
(f) (if the plaintiffs title is derivative, state shortly the transfers or devolution under which he claims.)
(If the defendant is mortgagee in possession, add).
3. The defendant has taken possession [or has received the rents] of the mortgaged property.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff claims to redeem the said property and to have the same reconveyed to him [and to have
possession thereof] together with manse profits.

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