RESOLVED that subject to the confirmation of the Company Law Board, clause IIIA of the

Memorandum of Association of the company be altered by the insertion of the following new sub-
clause (3A) after the existing sub-clause 3:

(3A) To carry on the business of iron foundries , mechanical engineers , and manufacturers of
machinery, plants, implements, appliances, apparatus, engines, utensils and tools, and the
business of brass-founders, metal-workers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters,
smiths, wood-workers, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, electricians, printers, carriers,
and merchants and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in
machinery, plants, implements, appliances, apparatus, engines, utensils, tools, rolling-stock, and
hardware of all kinds and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may
seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or
which may be usefully or conveniently combined with the engineering or manufacturing activities
or business of the company, or any contracts undertaken by the company, and either for the
purpose only of such contracts or as an independent business

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