This security bond for costs of appeal executed by witnesseth :
This appellant has preferred an appeal from the decree in Suit No………………… of 20……
against the respondent, and has been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly 1, of my own
free will stand security for the costs of the appeal, mortgaging the properties specified the
schedule hereunto annexed. I shall not transfer the said properties or any part thereof, and in
the event of any default on the part of the appellant, I shall duly carry out any order that may be
made against me with regard to payment of the costs of appeal. Any amount so payable shall
be realised from the properties hereby mortgaged and if the proceeds of the sale of the said
properties are insufficient to pay the amount due I and my legal representatives will be
personally liable to pay the balance. To this effect I execute this security bond this
…………………. day of ……………… 20………


Witnessed by:
1. …………………
2. …………………

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