Whereas …………………… has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, for Rs. ……………… and interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to
be entered for you, within ten days from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled,
after the expiration of the said period of ten days, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of
Rs. ………. and the sum of Rs. ………………… for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the Court may
If you cause an appearance to be entered for you, ……………… the plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a
summons for judgment at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the Court for leave to defend the
Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the Court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to
the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend.
GIVEN under may hand and the seal of the Court, this ………… day of …….. 19 ……. /20 ………. .

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