Whereas your attendance is required to …… on behalf of the …………………………… in the above suit, you are
hereby required [personally] to appear before this court on the …….. day of……… 19…. /20 ……, at …..
o’clock in the forenoon, and to bring with you [or to send to this …………. court].
A sum of Rs……… being your travelling and other expenses and subsistence allowances for one day, is
herewith sent. If you fail to comply with this order without lawful excuse, you will be subject to the
consequences of non attendance laid down in rule 12 of Order XVI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Given under may hand and the seal of the court, this …………. day of……… 19….. /20 ……


Notice :
(1) If you are summoned only to produce a document and not to give evidence, you shall be deemed
to have complied with the summons if you cause such document to be produced in this court on
the day and hour aforesaid.
(2) If you are detained beyond the day aforesaid, a sum of Rs….. will be tendered to you for each day’s
attendance beyond the day specified.

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