In the Court of Judicature at …………….
Extraordinary Civil Jurisdiction
Writ Petition No………….of 20……
In the matter of……………………..
Mr……………………v. ………………..and others
Memo of Parties
Mr ………………….S/o……………………………..






Hon’ble Registrar, High Court of ………….

This application may be treated URGENT due to the application being a writ of habeas corpus,
infringing the fundamental right to live which is guaranteed by the Constitution of India, and in
this case seeing the circumstances becomes important and enquiries the urgency.

The will contains signature of Sri …………….deceased and the petitioners are filing affidavit
sworn by Shri ………………… as Annexure ‘B’ to this petition.
17. That the petitioners hereby undertakes duly to administer the property and credits of the said
deceased …………………… and in any way concerning his will by paying first his debts and
then the legacies there is bequeathed so far as the assets will extend and to make a full and
true inventory thereof and exhibit the same in this court within six months from the date of grant
of letters of Administration to the petitioner, and also to render to this Court a true account of the
said property and credits within one year from the said date.

The petitioners, therefore, pray that letters of Administration with the said will annexed may be
granted to him of the estate of the said deceased having effect through out the territory of India.


1. …………………………
2. …………………………
I, the petitioner abovenamed do hereby solemnly declare that what is stated in paragraphs 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Part), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are true to my own knowledge, and that what
is stated in paragraphs 8 (part) and 9 are true to the best of my information and belief and I
believe the same to be true.

Solemnly declare at ………………. aforesaid this …………………… of …….20………
Oath Commissioner

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