By Registered AD/FAX

From: ……………………….

To ……………………….

Dear Sir,
Conciliation of Disputes

Please refer to your, letter dated………… inviting us to refer the alleged disputes in respect of the partnership business carried on by us in partnership under the name and style of M/s……at……………under Agreement of Partnership dated

2. In this connection, we have to advise you that the partnership has already been dissolved vide dissolution dated………and all the matters connected therewith have been settled in terms of the said dissolution dated ………and there is no dispute as alleged by you in connection with the partnership business carried on by us. Therefore, the conciliation of such alleged disputes does not arise.

3. Please note that if any further proceeding in respect of alleged dispute/s is initiated by you against us, the same shall be defended at your entire risk as to post and consequences.
Yours faithfully

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