WHEREAS, in the suit above specified, instituted by the said plaintiff, to restrain the said defendant..from (here state the breach of contract or other injury), the said court has, on the application the said plaintiff granted an injunction to restrain the said defendant from the repetition ( or the continuance) of the said breach of contract ( or wrongful act complained of ), and required security from the said defendant against such repetition ( or continuance) of the said breach of contract (or wrongful act complained of), and required security from the said defendant against such repetition (or continuance);


THEREFORE, I, ..inhabitant of ..have voluntarily become surety and do hereby bind myself, my heirs and executors to ..as Judge of the said court and his successors in office that the said defendantshall abstain from the repetition (or continuance of the breach of contract aforesaid or wrongful act, or from the committal of any breach of contract or injury of any king, arising out of the same contract or relating to the same property or right), and in default of his so abstaining, I bind myself, my heirs and executors to pay into court on the order of the court such sum to the extent of Rs..as court shall adjudge against the said defendant.


Witness my hand atthisday of..,2000.


Witnesses: .


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