WHEREAS A son of Shri ……….resident of……….was and at present is a lunatic and incapable of managing himself and his affairs and so kept in the asylum at ……….under order of the court of………….. made in lunacy case No …………. Of ………………..

NOW WHEREAS I, B son of Shri …………… resident of ………………. have applied to the said court for discharge and delivery of the said lunatic to my care and custody which the court…………… vide order dated …………. has permitted conditional upon my execution of a bond for Rs …………… in favour of ……………..in terms hereunder contained. obligation KNOW ALL caps that I, B son of Shri …………resident of hereby bind myself, my heirs, successors, administrators and representatives to Shri Judge for the payment to him or his so‑in‑office of the sum of Rs . …….

THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN BOND is that if in the event of the said A being made over to my care and custody, I at all times hereafter shall take proper care of his person, health and habits so as to prevent him from doing any injury to himself or mischief to others,

Then the above written bond shall be void, but otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.

Signed and delivered by the above bounden

Date …………………..


1 . ………………..
2. B

We, C son of Shri ………..resident of ………..and D son of Shi………..resident of………..jointly and severally declare ourselves and each of us sureties for the aforesaid B that he shall, on the aforesaid A being delivered to his care and custody, have the said A properly taken care of and prevented from doing injury to himself or mischief to others, and, in case of his making default therein, we hereby bind ourselves to forfeit to Government the sum of Rs . ……………………

Dated this ………..day of………..20………..


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