KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I,,,,,,,,,,, son of ……….., aged………….and resident of …………………….hereby declare as follows:

1. That I have two daughters and no living son or son’s son or son’s son’s son.

2. That I have adopted ………….aged…………… residing in……………………. orphanage, as my son on with the consent of my wife and the said …………having been given to me in adoption by the Superintendent of orphanage, with the previous permission of……………………. court dated……………………. a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked as Annexure 1.
3. That the ceremony of giving and taking of ……… adoption and other religious ceremonies have been performed……………………. on at my residence.

4. That the said ………… is aged……………………. years and is unmarried and he shall be entitled to all the legal rights of my adopted son and he shall be my son for all intents and purposes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this deed on the day and year first above written.



2. Sd/ ……………
I consent to the adoption of ……… our son

Date: ………….. Wife of X……..

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