C.M.A. No of 20
Divorce OP. No of 20


AFFIDAVIT of , W/o , D/o , aged
, now residing in

The deponent above named hereby solemnly affirms and states as follows:—

1. That the deponent is the petitioner in the accompanying petition and is
well conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case. The
deponent is competent to swear to this affidavit.
2. That the deponent herein was forced to leave her matrimonial home
on owing to the cruelty perpetrated by the respondent
and his family members. Since the aforesaid date, the deponent has been living with her aged and retired father who is not in a position to support the deponent.
The deponent has no independent source of income and is completely dependent upon the respondent for her maintenance.
That the respondent has various sources of income and is possessed of movable and immovable assets mentioned below:
(i) The respondent is employed in a leading Multinational Company,
getting an annual remuneration of more than Rs. 6.7 Lakh in addition
to other monthly and annual allowances.
(ii) The respondent owns his own bungalow bearing
(iii) The respondent is having various bank accounts having huge
deposits therein.
(iv) The respondent also owns a flat bearing No , worth over Rs.
28 Lakh.
It is submitted that the respondent has no other liability as all his family members have their own independent sources of income and none of them is dependent on the respondent for anything.
It is submitted that the respondent has intentionally and deliberately refused and neglected to maintain and support the deponent who has a legal right to be maintained by him.
In view of the aforementioned circumstances, it is in the interest of justice, equity and conscience that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to
direct the respondent to pay a sum of Rs per month to the
deponent as her maintenance pendente lite and a sum of Rs
towards the cost of litigation.
Sd./ Deponent.

Verified at on this the day of , 20 ,
that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

Sd./ Deponent.
Solemnly affirmed and signed before me by the deponent, who is personally
known to me, on this the day of ,20

Counsel for the deponent.
Note: Affidavit to be attested by the appropriate authority prescribed under law.
3. Criminal

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