Before the Wealth-tax Officer ……………………..,………….

Affidavit of A, aged about…………….. years, son of Shri ……… resident of ………………………………….
I, A, aged about ………………… years, son of Shri ……………. resident of………………………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:
1. That I am the assessee in the aforesaid case and as such fully conversant with the facts deposed to below.
2. That I have filed the return of wealth-tax for the assessment year ………. on ………………..
3. That [SB1] [SB2] in the said return, the particulars of shares and debentures held by me have been wrongly given. The mistake is typing mistake and is inadvertent.
4. That the particulars of shares and debentures held by me have been given in the list which is attached herewith.
5. That the mistake came to notice, when my Advocate saw the papers in connection with the production of evidence before the Wealth-tax Officer,
6. That in view of the above, it is requested that the return of wealth-tax may be amended and particulars of shares and debentures held by me given in the said return may be substituted with the list attached herewith.

I, A, the abovenamed deponent do hereby declare and verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 to 5 are true to my knowledge and the contents of para 6 are my submissions to this Hon’ble Wealth-tax Officer and nothing material has been concealed, and no part of it is false.

Verified at ………… on this……………….. day of ……………….. 2000.


Date …………………….




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