In the Court of Sub-Judge . …………..
Suit No …………………….of 20 ………….

X …………………. Plaintiff
Y ……………….. Defendant

Affidavit of X, aged ……………………….son of A, resident of………………………………..…………

I, X son of………………………………………aged ………………….years, solemnly affirm and state as under:

1 . That I am the plaintiff in the above mentioned suit and as such well acquainted with the
facts deposed to below.

2. That the defendant borrowed a sum of Rs …………from the plaintiff on executing a promissory note. As he has not paid any amount inspite of demand being made by me, the present suit has been filed for recovery of the said amount and interest thereon.

3. That the defendant was served with summons in the present suit on ————–

4. That on the night of…………………………………the defendant sent his family with household effects, jewellery to an unknown place.

5. That I have been informed by……………………………..a clerk in M/s…………………………………… whose office the defendant is employed, which I believe to be true, that the defendant has given notice to his employer to resign from service at the end of …………………..
6. That if the defendant leaves the jurisdiction of this court, the plaintiff will not be able to recover any money from him.

7. That if the defendant leaves the jurisdiction of this Court, the plaintiff will be put to
irreparable loss .

I, X, the above named deponent, do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 to 7 of this affidavit are true to my personal knowledge and nothing has been concealed and no part of it is false. So help me God.

Verified at………………………. this………………….day of……………

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