THIS AGREEMENT made between A, son of B, resident’s of …………… hereinafter referred to as the owner of the ONE PART and C, son of D, resident of ………. hereinafter referred to as the contractors of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the owner is getting the construction of building on the land bearing Plot No………. Survey No. ……… House No. …… situate, lying and being in village……… Tehsil …….. District………. hereinafter referred to as the ‘said work’ and is desirous of availing of labour for the said work.

AND WHEREAS The contractors are the contractor for the supply of all types of labour required for the construction work and offered their services to the owner, which the owner has agreed on the terms and conditions hereafter set forth.


1. The contractors will supply all labour viz. masons, labourers, water carriers and other necessary workers required for the said work to the owner at site provided that the requisition thereof is made ………. hours in advance.

2. The labour shall be paid at the prevailing market rate. The present prevailing market rate of labour of all type has been given in the Schedule hereunder written. The said rates may be changed by the mutual consent of the parties.

3. The contractors will be entitled to a commission of ………. on the total disbursement made to the labour so supplied by them. The said commission shall be payable to the contractors every week.

4. The contractors will be liable for and make good any loss or damage, caused by any act or default on the part of the labour supplied by them.

5. If the contractors fail to supply necessary labour on a requisition made by the owner in time, they will be liable to pay a sum of Rs. …………. as liquidated damages per labourer, mason, water carrier or any other worker not supplied by them in accordance with the requisition by the owner.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their respective hands to these presents on the date, month and year hereinabove written.

Signed and delivered by

the within named owner A

Signed and delivered by

the within named contractors C





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