Date; , 2000
Parties ;
1. The Landlord ……….. ….. of the One Part
2. The Tenant ………………. of the Other Part
Details of Property;
The dwelling house (or Flat ) situated at ..
Together with the Fixtures Furniture and Effects therein and more particularly specified in the Inventory thereof signed by the parties.
A term certain of ……… months/year(s) from ……… , 2000 to , 2000

Rent ;
Rs ………. per English calendar month payable In advance every month, first payment to be made on the ……… day of ……. next …………
1. The Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the Property above mentioned on the term and at the rent payable as above mentioned
2. Where the context admits –
(a) “The Landlord” includes the persons for the time being entitled in reversion expectant on the tenancy.
(b) “The Tenant” includes the persons deriving title by succession under the Tenant.
(c) Reference to the Property includes reference to any part or parts of the said Property and to the Fixtures, Furniture, and Effects or any of them.
3. The Tenant will –
(a) pay the rent at the times and In the manner specified.
(b) pay for all gas and electric light and power which shall be consumed or supplied on or to the Property during the tenancy and the amount of the water rate charged In respect of the property during the tenancy and the amount of all charges made for use of the telephone (if any ) on the Property during the tenancy or a proper proportion of the amount of the rental or other recurring charges to be assessed according to the duration of the tenancy.
(c) not to damage or injure the property or make any alteration in or addition to it.
(d) preserve the fixtures, furniture and effects from being destroyed or damaged and not to remove any of them from the property.
(e) yield up the property at the end of the tenancy in the same clean state and condition as It was in the beginning of the tenancy and make good or pay for the repair of or replace all such items of the fixtures. furniture and effects as shall be broken, lost, damaged or destroyed during the tenancy (reasonable wear and damage by fire excepted )
(f) leave the furniture and effects at the end of the tenancy In the rooms or places in which they were at the beginning of the tenancy.
(g) pay for the washing (including Ironing or pressing) of all linen and for the washing and cleaning (including Ironing and pressing) of all counterpanes, blankets and curtains which shall have been spoiled during the tenancy (the reasonable use thereof nevertheless to be allowed for).
(h) permit the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents at reasonable hours in the daytime to enter the property to view the state and condition thereof.
(i) not to sublet or part with possession of the property without the previous consent in writing of the Landlord not to carry on, on the property any profession trade or business or receive paying guests on the property or place or exhibit any notice board or notice on the property or use the Property for any other purpose than that of a strictly private residence
(j) not to do or suffer to be done on the property anything which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the Landlord or the Tenants or occupiers of any adjoining premises or which may vitiate any Insurance of the property against fire or otherwise or increase the ordinary premium for such Insurance.
4. Provided that. if the rent or any Instalment or part thereof shall be in arrear for at least fourteen days after the same shall have become due (whether legally demanded or not) or if there shall be a breach of any of the said agreements by the Tenant the Landlord may re-enter on the property and immediately thereupon the tenancy shall absolutely determine without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the Landlord.
5. The Landlord agrees with the Tenant as follows
(1) To pay and Indemnify the tenant against all rates assessments and outgoing in respect of the property (except the water rate and except charges for the supply of gas or electric light and power or the use of any telephone).
(2) That the Tenant, paying the rent and performing the agreements on the part of the tenant, may quietly possess and enjoy the property during the tenancy without any lawful interruption from the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord.
(3) To return to the Tenant any rent payable for any period while the property is rendered uninhabitable by fire, the amount in case of dispute to be settled by arbitration.
6. This Agreement shall take effect subject to the provisions of ….. Rent Act.
AS WITNESS the hands of the parties have been put hereto the day and year first above written
Signed by the above-named Landlord . . . . . . . .

in the presence of

Signed by the above ……. named Tenant ………..

in the presence of ………

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