Appointment for a fixed period

Ref. No. …………………
Date : …………….

Dear Sir/Madam,

This has reference to your application dated…………. and the later on interview/test which you had with us, we are pleased to appoint you as…………………. (Designation) on contractual basis for a specific period of ……………………. (herein state the specified period) on a consolidated salary of Rs. ……….. per month besides allowances ……….. (State Allowances) if any.

01. It clearly understood and agreed that your appointment is being made oil contractual basis for a specific period of ….……………… (herein state the specified period) on a consolidated salary of Rs. ……………. per month besides allowances (state allowances if any)

02. It clearly understood and agreed that your appointment is being made on contractual basis for a fixed period as stated above. Your appointment will automatically come to an end on the expiry of the specified period and no notice or notice pay or retrenchment compensation will be payable to you by the management since your appointment is being made for a specified period you will neither have any right nor a lien on the Job held by you. Also you will not claim regular employment even if there is such a vacancy for the post held by you or otherwise except one months notice or salary in lieu of one month’s notice no compensation or remaining wages for unexpired period of contractual and fixed period of appointment will be payable by the management if your services are terminated before the specified period of your service.

03. Your duties will include for efficient, satisfactory and economical operation in the area of responsibility that may be assigned to you from time to time. As an employee of the Company/Firm/Establishment you will maintain a high standard of loyalty, efficiency, integrity, and secrecy and will liaison with employees working under your supervision or your colleagues and will be responsible for execution of the decisions taken by the management from time to time.

04. The Management will be within its rights to transfer you for work for loan your services to any other Unit/Division/Department or its parent and/or Associated companies in any part of the country, where the Company/Firm/Establishment has an office of branch or unit or site for work either at present or may have at any time in future.

05. You will not divulge or give out to anyone in any manner particulars or details of any of the trade secrets manufacturing or research process, financial administrative and cir organization matters or any transaction or affairs of the Company/Firm/Establishment of Confidential nature.

06. You will devote your whole time and attention to the interest of the Company/Firm/Establishment and will not engage yourself in any other work either paid or in honorary capacity.

07. Your appointment is being made on the basis of your particulars such as qualifications etc. as given in your application for employment and incase any information as given by you is found false or incorrect your appointment will be deemed void ab initio and liable for termination without any notice or salary in lieu of notice.

08. Your address as indicated in your application for appointment shall be deemed to be correct for sending any communication to you and every communication addressed to you at the given address shall be deemed to have been served upon you.

09. Your absence for a continuous period of 8 days (including absence when leave though applied for, is not granted or when you overstay for more than 8 days) would entail automatic loss of your lien on the ‘ob without any notice of intimation by the management.

10. You will be bound by the Certified Standing Orders, Rules, Regulations and office orders in force and framed by the Company from time to time in relation to your service conditions, which will form part of your terms of employment.

11. In case there is any change in your residential address, you will intimate the same in writing to the Personnel Department/Manager within three days from the date of such change and get such change of address recorded.

You will submit yourself to medical examination as per the directions of the Management.

If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you please sign the carbon copy in token of its acceptance and return the same for our record.



I accept the offer and the terms and conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter.
Signature of Employee


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