THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ………. day of ………2010
……………………………… s/o/d/o Mr……………………, resident of ………………………… (hereinafter referred to as “the Engineer”) of the one part
the Government of the state of …………………… through its Governor (hereinafter called “the Government”) of the other part.
1. That the Engineer will remain in the service of the Government for a period of ………. years from this …. day of …….
2. That the Engineer will submit himself to the orders of the Government through the officers and authorities under whom he may from time to time be placed. The Engineer will at all times obey the rules prescribed for the regulation of the branch of the public service to which he belongs.
3. The Engineer shall when required to do so proceed to any part of India to which he may be required to go for official work.
4. That the Engineer shall to the best of his ability employ himself as Executive Electrical Engineer and devote his whole time to his duties. He will not (except in case of accident or sickness certified by competent medical authority) be absent from his duties without having first obtained permission from the Government or its authorized officer.
5. That in the event of misconduct on the part of the Engineer or of a breach of term of any of the conditions herein specified the Government may at any time dispense with his services after due and just inquiry.
6. That it shall be lawful for the Government, to determine the service of the Engineer under this agreement if the Engineer is unfit for discharging his duties by reason of ill-health (the decision of the Government being conclusive) and thereupon his services shall be terminated.
7. That the Government shall pay the Engineer for performing his duties under this Agreement a salary of Rs……. per month. In addition to this the Government will pay the Engineer travelling allowance on the ………. scale, subject to ………….. condition.
8. That the Engineer will be entitled to leave as follows:
a) ………………………………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………………………………
c) ………………………………………………………………………………
d )………………………………………………………………………………
(This would be governed by the rules framed in this regard.)
9. That the Engineer shall subscribe to Provident Fund at the rate of …….. of his pay each month and the Government contribution half-yearly at the rate of ……% of his subscription for the half-year, interest included. The amount at his credit in the Fund will be paid to him on his quitting the service or to his legal representatives in the event of his death whilst in the service.
10. That the proceedings, letters and reports of the Government or of its officers and agents or any copies thereof or extracts therefrom which shall be submitted to any higher authority or elsewhere in any way relating to the sums of money to be paid or allowed to the Engineer or his conduct or in any way relating to the premises shall be received as evidence of any matters therein contained in any action or in any legal proceedings by or between the parties to these presents or in any way relating thereto.
For and on behalf of
The Government
Place: ………………….
By the Engineer:
Signed………………………………………. Date ……………………………………….

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