Author: admin

  • I, , S/o , aged about…….. years, now Residing in ……………………………………………………………………………………………. do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:— 1. I am the applicant for license as a Clearing and Forwarding Agent in the Port of at Sea in State. I am well conversant with the facts deposed hereunder and I am fully competent to…

  • BEFORE THE HONBLE MEMBER-TRIBUNAL, ________________________. Ref : In the case of M/s _________________________, Assessment Year __________. Affidavit of Mr. RP S/o Mr. ND, aged about __ years R/o __________________. I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under: 1. That the deponent is the proprietor of the firm above named and…

  • Before the Wealth-tax Officer ……………………..,…………. Affidavit of A, aged about…………….. years, son of Shri ……… resident of …………………………………. I, A, aged about ………………… years, son of Shri ……………. resident of………………………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under: 1. That I am the assessee in the aforesaid case and as such fully conversant with the…

  • THIS DEED OF ADOPTION is made this…………… of…………….200………between AB S/o aged…………….and resident of………………… (Hereinafter referred to as the First Party) and CD S/o………………………aged…………….and resident of……………. (Hereinafter referred to as the Second Party). WHEREAS (i) The first party has no daughter and was desirous of adopting a daughter; (ii) The second party has four daughters and…

  • THIS DEED OF ADOPTION made at (Bombay)……… on the……………………. of………by Kum …………daughter of……………………. (hereinafter referred to as Party No. 1 ) and resident of………………….. and Shri………………….. S/o……………………. resident of……………………. (Hereinafter referred to as Party No. 2) witnesses as follows: 1. That Party No. 1 has not married and she does not intend to marry in…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, X son of Y resident of………………….hereby declare that I being guardian appointed by the District Court……………………. of Z have given my ward……………………… in adoption to……………………. after obtaining……………………court’s permission dated……………………. I further declare that ceremony of giving and taking of Z and other religious ceremonies have been duly…

  • I, A S/o …………………….resident of……………………. hereby declare that I am the natural father of B, and with my free consent, have given B in adoption to C, son of D resident of……………….on …………………….I further declare that from the date of the adoption, I will have no concern with B and he has become the son…

  • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I……………………. W/o……………..resident of …………………….hereby give my consent to the adoption of……………………. S/o……………………. aged about…………………….years by my husband……………………. as our son. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this consent letter in the presence of witnesses. WITNESSES 1 . Sd/ . 2.

  • I hereby certify that Shri X…………., son of Y…………., resident of………………….. visited this……………….Orphanage on……………………. and desired to adopt a male child from the orphanage, as his son. After looking at many children in the orphanage, Shri X…………. selected A……………., the names of whose parents are not known. The marks of identification on the body of…

  • I……………………. S/o …………………….resident of……………………. hereby authorise my wife Smt . …………………….to adopt Shri……………son of……………………….after my death, and in case the said boy dies before me, to adopt any other boy of my caste…………………….. Executant