Author: admin

  • THIS AGREEMENT made at …………….on this …… of …………………… between Sh……………………., s/o Sh…………………r/o……………………………. hereinafter referred to as ” the Party of the First Part”. And Sh. ………………,s/o…………………………r/o ……………………………… hereinafter referred to as “the party of the Second Part” . WHEREAS 1. There is a dispute between the parties, full particulars of which are stated in…

  • 1. Name and address of the applicant. 2. Names of directors of the applicant: of the applicant is a company, give details of other directorships, partnerships and proprietorship held by them. 3. Proposal for which the approval of Central Government is sought under section 108A(1) of the Act. 4. Name and address of Registered Office…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. The plaintiff is, and at all the times hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of certain land called ……, situate in …… 2. Ever since the ……. day of …… 19……., the defendant has wrongfully caused to issue from certain smelting works carried on by the defendant large…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ……. day of ……. 19….., the defendant, by a registered instrument, let to the plaintiff [the house No……., Street] for the term of …….. year, contracting with the plaintiff, that he, the plaintiff, and his legal representatives should quietly enjoy possession thereof for the…

  • Registration No …………….. Nominal Capital Rs ………………………’ The Companies Act, 1956 Notice of situation1change of situation of registered office [Pursuant to section 146] Name of the Company …………………… Notice is hereby given that: 1. (a) the registered office of the company is situated at……………………with effect from…………………… (date): (b)the situation of the registered office of the…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ……. day of……. 19……., the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiffs should employ the defendant at an [annual] salary of ……. rupees, and that the defendant should serve the plaintiff as [an artist] for the term of [one year]. 2. The plaintiff…

  • A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the …… day of …….20…., the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, and the original document is hereto annexed. [Or, on the …… day of ……..20…….., the plaintiff, and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiff should sell to the defendant and that the defendant…

  • DIRECTOR FORM No. 25C No. of Company …………………….. Nominal Capital ……………………… The Companies Act, 1956 Return of Appointment of Managing Director/Whole-time Director/Manager [Pursuant to section 269(2) and Schedule XIII] 1 . Name and full address of the Managing or Wholetime Director or Manager 2. Date of Birth : 3. Designation (mention whether Managing Director/ Whole-time…

  • Know all men by these presents, that we………………….. and…………………… and …………………….. are jointly and severally bound to………………………………… of the Court of……………………………. in Rs………………………….. to be paid to the said……………………… or his successor in office for the time being. For which payment to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us, in the whole, our…

  • Know all men by these presents, that we…………………… and……………………….. are jointly and severally bound to the court…………………. of…………………………. in Rs…………………………… to be paid to the said court, for which payment to be made we bind ourselves and each of us, in the whole our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally…