Production of Documents
                                                     IN THE COURT OF THE FAMILY JUDGE OF …………

Original Petition No …… 20…
Between :

A.B.                                                                                                                                                           … Petitioner

C.D.                                                                                                                                                            … Respondent


                                                        Affidavit filed on behalf of the petitioner

I, Mr……………….………………………………….,
an adult Indian inhabitant residing at ……………………………………………………………………………………… do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows :
1. I am the petitioner in the above case and deponent herein.

2. I submit that I have filed a petition for divorce against my wife which is pending before this Hon’ble Court.

3. I submit that the Hon’ble Court was examined on behalf of my evidence PWs ……………………. to …………………………………………………. and it is coming for further evidence of me. I submit that my father executed a will in favour of my family members and it was mixed with some bundles. Hence I recently traced out. There is willful or wanton delay in filing the present xerox copy of Will Deed. I got fair chance to proceed with case in filing this document. The original Will Deed is filed before the P.D.M. Court, …………………………..

4. It is therefore prayed that the Hon’ble Court may be pleased to condone the delay in the filling the document of will Deed and pass necessary orders. Or else I will be put serious loss.

Before me
Solemnly affirmed at …………………
on this …………….. day of………….. 20……



                                                          IN THE COURT OF THE FAMILY JUDGE ………

I.A. No. ……… of ……………. 20 ….


O.P. No. ……….. of ……… 20 …

Between :

A.B.                                                                                                                                                                   … Petitioner


C.D.                                                                                                                                                                    … Respondent


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